Sunday 27 May 2018

Three steps to living a more natural life

“You and Me baby ain’t nothing but mammals”

Thanks for the reminder Bloodhound Gang! It's 2018, and we've forgotten who we are. At a time where, here in the Western world, we have the privilege of warm safe homes, fantastic employment opportunities, endless clothes, food and coffee shops, and technology galore, we've lost our roots. Children and Teenagers of the modern technological age have lost touch with nature, with their bodies, with their gut instinct, with their spirituality. Life in the fast lane has plucked us out of our natural habitat and plonked us in front of screens, advertising and selling, all telling us who we should be.

And this picture of who we should be is taken as the measure of success: We should have a semi-detached house with a garage, two cars, 2.5 children and a dog. A TV in every room, a mobile phone and laptop for each family member, including the dog. Designer clothes, sunglasses and handbags. Both parents with high profile jobs but who also share the parenting and household chores. A disposable income that allows for a holiday abroad every year and for both kids to go off to university. This image of a successful life is sold to us everywhere we look from birth and subconsciously it seeps in until we are striving for this perfect life. We want to keep up with our friends, we want to have the Facebook posts that make our friends jealous. My husband and I have certainly had times in our marriage where we've looked at other couples and thought "We should have that" or "We should be doing that." We’ve become frustrated with this feeling that our home, our marriage and our family life should look a certain way. The pressure of keeping up with the Jones' has become too much.

What if we step back from this life that's being sold to us and think about who we really are? That's exactly what I've been drawn to do since becoming a mum. The more I ponder, read and research, the more it becomes obvious, and in the words of Bloodhound Gang, we ain't nothing but mammals!

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt” Margaret Atwood, Bluebeard’s Egg.

Just as other mammals, my natural environment is outside - I find a sense of calm and balance when at the beach or walking through the woods. I love feeling my bare feet on the ground and gloriously warm sunshine on my face, I love running my hands through sand or up and down tree trunks - Yes, I hug trees! I love listening to waves crashing, the wind rustling through the trees and birds singing. I love smelling earthy mud, freshly cut grass and honeysuckle. I love to see how alive each member of my family become when outside, and how peaceful they are after a day spent exploring our natural environment. In my ten years of working with children, I notice how being outside makes children less tense, less anxious and more joyous. I want my daughter to grow up at one with the outdoors; I want to become one with the outdoors.

Miri loves the beach
“I know body hair bothers some women, but a lot of men like a fluffy partner.” Barry Humphries.

Just as other mammals, my natural body is hairy. I have arm pit hair, pubic hair, leg hair, toe hair . . . I even have three little hairs growing out of my chin mole! The hair on our bodies is there for a reason, it has protective and cleansing properties.  Women, and men, feel that in order to be socially accepted, they have to shave, wax and pluck until their bodies are totally bald and smooth. Our bodies were not designed to be bald! We are being sold an image of a perfect hairless body because it keeps us buying beauty products. We live in a consumer-based society, which makes us feel bad about our natural normal bodies to make us consume, to spend money! Let me tell you something, its completely normal to have hair around your genitals! It’s completely normal to have hair under your arms! Let's talk about shampoo, a product most of us use every day. Do other mammals continuously use a chemical rich product on their hair to keep it healthy? No! We have been sold the idea that our hair needs to be cleaned with chemicals everyday by the beauty industry. I have been a lifelong daily shampoo-er. But this journey I'm on to live a more natural life has led me to the no-poo movement. Our bodies are designed to clean themselves and are perfectly equipped to do so. I trust my body’s natural process. I want my daughter to be completely comfortable with her body in its natural normal state; I want to be comfortable with my body in its natural normal state.

“Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.” B.K.S Iyengar.

Just as other mammals, my body needs vitamins and minerals from the Earth to be healthy. Our bodies are designed to eat natural foods from the Earth. For around 9 years I've been drawn to eating as naturally as possible, which to me means fruit, vegetables and meat in their most natural forms. Any kind of processed, preservative & sugar laden food, although highly advertised and readily available, are not good for our bodies, souls or minds. Mammals in the natural world do not eat food made in a factory, they eat what the Earth gives them seasonally. I am addicted to chocolate, and although I made the switch from sugary milk chocolate to dark chocolate, I still eat it every day! I give my daughter processed foods, which are quick and easy for me to have ready for her, and I feel incredibly guilty about it. Before having children, on seeing premade baby and toddler snacks I'd turn my nose up and say "Why don't you just give your child a piece of fruit?!" Maybe it's not as simple as that, but maybe it is! We've already started eating and feeding our daughter more intentionally and, thank goodness, she absolutely loves nature's candy - fruit! I want my daughter to have a passion for real whole foods; I want to have a passion for real whole foods.

When I turned 21 9 years ago (9 years, how did that happen?!), a couple of seeds were planted when I started yoga. Little awakenings which led me to making non-toxic household cleaner, using a menstrual cup for the first time and experimenting with going vegan; I even started a blog about it which is probably still out there lurking in the depths of the internet. Over the years, those seeds turned to seedlings, but having to battle against the norm, the influence of social media and life's up and downs, they stayed deep down beneath the surface. Now, in the year I turn 30 and having been through the wild experience of becoming a mum, I am ready for my seedlings to blossom into fantastically vibrant blooms. I am ready to fully embrace my natural instinct and calling to reconnect with nature and live in a more natural way.

Do you live closely with the natural world? Do you make your own beauty products or grow your own veggies? If so, I’d love to hear from you.

See more of me here:

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